Icelandic aviation authorities Samgongustofa and ATC operator Isavia published information about the VFR routes for sightseeing flights over the new eruption. A new restricted area BIR4 was established within a 2 nm radius from the eruption, while areas BIR2 and BIR3 were abolished until the eruption ended. The upper limit of the new BIR4 area is 2 500 feet AMSL. The minimum altitude for VFR flights inside the BIR4 area is 500 feet AGL. It is recommended not to fly over the eruption.
“Two antennas are near the eruption site, identified with a light in the center and on top. Due to the volcanic eruption, loss of electricity is possible, pilots are advised to monitor NOTAM publications”, the official statement says, “Attention is drawn to that a clearance is required before entering the Volcanic Area, BIRK CTR, BIKF CTR and FAXI TMA from BIRK TWR or BIKF TWR as applicable.”
Two new VFR routes were established to the eruption area. The route 10A leads from Reykjavik airport (ICAO: BIRK) to the eruption, while the route 10B goes in the opposite direction.

An exemption has been made for microlight operation from Heidi to the Volcanic Area via Hraunsvik east off Grindavik while BIR4 is in use, daily from 08:00 to 21:00 weekdays and 09:00 – 21:00 on weekends and public holidays. Fisfelag Reykjavik shall ensure that no more than 3 microlights are planned to fly within the Volcanic Area at the same time. An electronic FPL shall be submitted with a minimum of one hour before take off. The flight shall remain outside BIRK CTR and below FAXI TMA. Air to Air communications within the Volcanic Area is on frequency 131.800 MHz. Microlights shall be equipped with a transponder and the transponder shall be turned on.