Isavia press-release
Kjartan Briem has been appointed as CEO of Isavia ANS and he will start work on 1 January 2021. Kjartan has extensive experience in international communications and has worked in the electronic communications market in Iceland for over 20 years, mostly as a technical manager and most recently as a technical director at Vodafone in Iceland.

Kjartan has a master degree in electrical engineering from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) with an emphasis on telecommunications.
Isavia ANS ehf. is a subsidiary of Isaiva ohf. and handles the operation and development of air navigation services, including air traffic services, telecommunications and navigation systems and other related activities.
“I am extremely pleased to have Kjartan on the management team of Isavia ANS,” says Elín Árnadóttir, Chairman of the Board. “We on the company’s board believe that his management experience and technical knowledge will benefit Isavia ANS well and we welcome Kjartan to work.”