Hlaðbær Colas had received the only offer for asphalting the runway of Egilsstaðir Airport, despite the tender was advertised in the European Economic Area since May, AusturFrétt reported.
The offer for the job is ISK 867,7 mln (USD 7,1 mln, Euro 5.8 mln, rates by CB Iceland on 15.06.21) excluding VAT.
The work includes overlay asphalt on the runway and taxiways at Egilsstaðir Airport (ICAO: BIEG). When the overlay will be asphalt completed, the runway lights will be set.
Construction is expected to begin at the end of June and be completed in August 2021. The design was carried out by the engineering company Verkís, while the engineering company Efla will supervise the project. These engineering companies were selected on the basis of a framework agreement with Isavia.
During construction, some disruption to the airport’s operations can be expected, but the airport will be open for scheduled and ambulance flights.