The first flight of the airline Play will be performed on 24 June. After this date, the airline is going to operate three Airbus A321neo with a capacity of 244 seats, according to Morgunblaðið´s sources. The airline does not reveal its first destination, however, is expected to do so soon to be able to sell enough tickets.
Meanwhile, the airline is under final inspections of the Icelandic Transport Authority ICETRA, the result of which will be an operating license for the Play. It is expected to be done in early May.

Last week airline Play published the list of 16 major shareholders. The publication followed the airlines’ ISK 5 billion (USD 40,1 million, Euro 33,2 million, converted by Íslandsbanki) financing which ended last week. Fea ehf. is the largest shareholder in Play with a 21.25% share, Birta Lífeyrissjóður holds a 12.55% share, and Fiskisund ehf. 11.86% share. Fiskisund and Birta both invest almost ISK 1 billion (USD 8 million, Euro 6,6 million, converted by Íslandsbanki). Other major shareholders in Play include the investment company Stoðir, which subscribed for over ISK 600 million (USD 4,8 million, Euro 3,9 million, converted by Íslandsbanki) in the offering and acquires a 9 percent share, the insurance company VÍS and funds managed by Akta.